Waikoloa Beach Marriott Hotel has a downloadable registration
form (Acrobat .pdf format) for ILC2003 participants.
Note: You can fill in the form on screen. Print out if
mailing or faxing, save to hard drive if emailing. Contact info
is below.
here to download.
Reminder: |
- For international attendees, early visa preparations is recommended
to avoid potential travel problems.
- Attendees should consider extending their stay in the Islands
before (preferrably) and/or after the Conference.
The official hotel of the ILC 2003 is
Waikoloa Beach Marriott on the Kohala Coast of Hawaii Island,
Hawaii. Resting on the beachfront of beautiful Anaehoomalu Bay with
stunning views of Mauna Kea, the luxurious Marriott hotel has been
host to several space and astronomical related conferences over the
past two years and is well appointed to ILC2003 business concerns.
Space Age Publishing Company has blocked a limited number of rooms
at a greatly discounted rate of US $130 per day. For reservations,
contact: |
Waikoloa Beach Marriott,
an Outrigger Resort
69-275 Waikoloa Beach Drive
Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA 96738-5711
Worldwide Phone toll free: 800-228-9290 / Fax: 808-886-1854
Accomodations (both sites are about 30-35 minutes from Waikoloa): |
Kamuela Inn
P.O. Box 1994
Kameula, HI 96743
Ph. Toll Free: 800-555-8968
Fax: 808-885-8857
Email: kaminn@aloha.net |
Kona Islander Inn
75-5776 Kuakini Highway
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Ph. Toll Free: 800-535-0085
Fax: 808-326-4137
Email: konahawaii@hotmail.com |
For assistance with travel
arrangements, contact: |
Hawaiian Travel Club
Kona, Hawaii
Ph. Toll Free: 866-331-4321
Email: kona@hawaiiantravelclub.com |
Age Publishing Company
75-5751 Kuakini Highway
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 USA
Phone: 808-326-2014
Fax: 808-326-1825
Email: news@spaceagepub.com
Web: http://www.spaceagepub.com |
This page last updated
November 2003 |